AIIHG has joint venture partnerships that enables it to procure export opportunities In the following product categories:-
a)Frozen Beef-in Quarter Cut Format with Bone;with CIF pricing to CHINA
b)Boneless Frozen Beef with CIF Pricing to CHNA
This can be undertaken to both Hallal and Non-Hallal Certification
c)Frozen Lamb and Mutton to special orders
We have the capacity to handle a order size that is tailored to the buyer to cover:-
a)Trial Order requirements
b)Contract Volume monthly
c)Competitive Pricing to suit Payment arrangements
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ;please Contact Us with a LETTER OF INTENT ;with Details covering:-
a)Buyer entity ;together with all relevant licensing details
b)Clear notification of the Authorising Person ;who will be Signatory to any Procurement contract
c)Order requirements ;please note that minimum TRIAL order will be 4 CONTAINERS
d)Pricing requirement-FOB ;or CIF and Payment requirements